5 01, 2020

There’s Nothing Wrong With You


There's Nothing Wrong With You. How do you feel when you read that statement? What's your immediate reaction? What enters your mind? Take a moment, even just 60 seconds, to turn your attention inward and notice how your whole being responds to that statement: There’s nothing wrong with you. OK? Maybe [...]

There’s Nothing Wrong With You2023-05-02T17:24:20-06:00
5 01, 2020

How I Do Therapy


How I Do Therapy I love doing therapy. I find it fascinating, deeply satisfying, and sometimes even fun. There are certainly hard parts, but it’s not all tearful, torturous conversations about humanity’s worst moments. There is often laughter, a great deal of love, and always the possibility that the next moment will bring [...]

How I Do Therapy2020-01-05T21:20:21-06:00
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